At the time, i was reading a lot of Webcomics.

More than entertainment, it was a period where i was learning what my peers were doing, and how they were doing it.

This has been the way i have learned all my Cartooning: by observing and copying what i saw, until i understood WHY and HOW they did what i was copying. This started with Marc Bagley’s art on Amazing Spider-Man when i was 12 and started doing comics… and continued to this moment, where i was reading CTRL+ALT+DEL and PvP.

I think one of them used, and mentioned, ComicPress as the tool to manage their webcomic, and i decided to check it out. While learning how to use a drawing tablet (i had very little experience with them) i ran this test.

I remember i did this at the ISAD -the Instituto Superior de Animacion y Diseño- while i was working on Los Colorados.

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